The Enterprise Doctor Business Show

Hilary Messer and Tony K Silver guest on The Business Show on Marlow FM 5th May 2022

Mark Harris / Tony K Silver / Hilary Messer Season 7 Episode 4

On The Business Show on Marlow FM on 5th May 2022, guests Hilary Messer and Tony K Silver joined me for business conversations and some great music – you can connect with them at and respectively.

I kicked the show off with Abba’s “The Winner Takes It All” dedicated to one of my regular squash opponents Ben – I’m not saying to whom it applies.   😉  Have a listen at .

I spoke first to Hilary about Gardner Leader, the firm of solicitors for which she works, and about her specialism in what used to be called litigation, but is now called dispute resolution.  See all about Gardner Leader at

I then talked to Tony K Silver of Solid Silver Solutions and in particular about the award he recently won, as well as the work he does with clients to enable their LinkedIn profile to give them the results they want, which do of course vary from client to client.

“Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves was Tony’s choice of music, because it’s a very happy song!  You can hear it, and be happy, at

Our first business news story for discussion was Tony’s choice and can be found at and sparked quite a debate on the pros & cons of paying people less to work from home.

Hilary’s choice of story for us was no about where to work, but for how long to work.  Will the four day week be a thing?  See for the article that sparked this conversation.

“Business as Usual” by The Eagles was Hilary’s music choice for us. The lyrics mean a lit to her, especially right now – have a listen for yourself at

Our final conversation was also Hilary’s choice – the menopause is something we’ve never discussed on The Business Show, but we absolutely should, so we did.  Have a read of the article we discussed at

With another personal dedication, this time to my cousins Ray & Andrea who were visiting from LA, I closed the show with ELO’s “Last Train to London”, which they were catching later– you can enjoy it at

You can connect with me at and join our Facebook group at .  

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Copyright Marlow FM Ltd 2022. Reproduced here by kind permission of Marlow FM Ltd.