The Enterprise Doctor Business Show
The Enterprise Doctor Business Show
Sarah Fletcher and Gemma Wass guest on the Business Show 24th October 2024
On The Business Show on Marlow FM on 24th October 2024, my guests were financial advice expert Gemma Wass and marketing expert Sarah Fletcher, who joined me to talk about their work, and to discuss a range of business news stories.
I started the show with one from the Hilary playlist – Uptown Funk from Mark Ronson ft Bruno Mars. Listen at along with the other 5.3b views.
Sarah then spoke about her work with Mushroom Soufflé, including why that’s the company name, and the work the do with authors of non-fiction and business books to build their “cookie jar” of marketing content.
Connect with Sarah via and her website is at
Gemma then spoke about her work for Harding Financial, a firm of independent financial planners who look after private clients with everything from retirement planning to enabling their dreams, as well as helping business clients from start-up to around 300 people with a pick and mix comprising pensions, payroll benefits and more.
For more see and you can connect with Gemma at .
Gemma’s music choice was Cold Heart by Elton John & Dua Lipa, because it reminds her of being in a beach bar with a cocktail and a beautiful summer vibe. Hear it at
Sarah's business news story was - a great solution with incredible benefits for people in a very difficult environment, starting by understanding a problem and developing a business to solve that problem.
Sarah’s choice of music was Lone Digger by Caravan Palace because she loves the band and loves the clarity of each instrument. Hear it at
Gemma then chose - has the Government got it right, or are there better ways to raise money from businesses?
The last song is another from the Hilary playlist – Roar by Katy Perry - hear it at
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